martes, 6 de marzo de 2018


El reconocido Economista Paul Krugman y el editor del NYT Leon Diehart nos comparten sus opiniones:
-Por favor hagan click a las entrevistas de Gloria Borger, Erin Burnett y el link de Paul Krugman-
“I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people,” Donald Trump told The Washington Post during his presidential campaign.
One of the people who’s been surrounding Trump is Sam Nunberg, a conservative political activist and former aide who had a protracted meltdown on live television yesterday, in separate interviews conducted by Gloria BorgerErin BurnettAri MelberJosh RobinJake Tapper and Katy Tur.
The videos certainly make for good television. They also highlight a serious point: The Russia investigation appears to present an existential threat to the Trump administration, in large part because Trump has not exactly hired “the best and most serious people.”
They shall not be moved. The West Virginia teachers’ strike is a case of hard-working people deciding that they’re no longer willing to accept substandard pay. My colleague Michelle Goldberg has a well-reported column explaining the issues.
The strike is “part of a nationwide upsurge in intense civic engagement by women,” Michelle writes. As Jenny Craig, a middle school special education teacher in Triadelphia, W. Va., says, “People are starting to get angrier and remember our history, remember our roots.”
Related: For a selection of classic American labor songs, including “We Shall Not Be Moved,” check out the Smithsonian’s Folkways project. If you’re interested in following the West Virginia strike, I recommend The Charleston Gazette-MailThe Register Herald and The Herald-Dispatch.
Pretty please. “We are extremely worried about the consequences of a trade war,” AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, said yesterday, “and are urging the White House to not advance with this plan.”
Did you catch the crucial word there? It’s urging. The speaker of the House obviously has the power to do something about Trump’s announced tariffs on steel and aluminum products. Congress could pass a law that prevents him from imposing the tariffs, as Josh Barro of Business Insider explains. If Trump vetoes the law, Ryan could try to find the votes to override the veto.
But Ryan isn’t doing. He’s pretty-please urging.
That’s generally been the approach that congressional Republican leaders have taken toward Trump. They sporadically criticize him, but they rarely use their power to block behavior and policies they claim to oppose.
The one big exception to their timidity is telling. Republican senators have strongly supported Jeff Sessions as attorney general. If Trump were to fire Sessions, as he clearly wants to, the senators have made clear that they might not confirm Trump’s choice to replace him. And as a result, Trump has felt compelled to keep Sessions in the job.
As you probably learned back in school, Congress is a powerful branch of the federal government. The Constitution vested Congress with the power to do a lot more than urge. But until Ryan uses that power, the complaints don’t mean much.
The full Opinion report from The Times follows.

A Ranting Old Guy With Nukes
Why you should worry when Trump talks tough and stupid on trade.

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