jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017


Bueno pues ¿qué esperaban? Ciertamente no es un Demóstenes, ni siquiera un Peje o cuando menos un Castro o Maduro. ¿Qué más quisiéramos, pero si hay alguien no dotado en las artes del lenguaje para comunicar objetivamente con rasgos de verdad, liderazgo y verdad, definitivamente no es el Gran POTUS, DJT.
Tal parece que hay dos Donald Trump (o será el mismo con mente hendida? -Esquizofrenia larvada-). Porque cuando lee sus discursos con el telepromter, tal parece que no se trata de la misma persona. Lo que si parece ser medianamente cierto es que el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, está fallando constantemente en su labor de líder de la Nación más poderosa del Mundo, y nos hace temblar con su insensata peligrosidad.
Los invito a leer los ingeniosos y acertados comentarios de la apta periodista y comunicadora Gail Collins en el NYT

Trump Talks and Talks and Talks and …

Gail Collins AUG. 24, 2017

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President Trump
after giving a scripted speech on Monday. 
Al Drago for The New York Times
A great day of triumph for Donald Trump! The president went to an American Legion convention Wednesday and read a speech off a teleprompter. Nothing weird happened. Total victory.
We now divide the president’s public addresses into two categories. There are the unremarkable and predictable ones written by someone else and the ones in which he ignores the script and just says what’s on his mind, terrifying and confusing all Americans who are not in his base.
(About the base. Polls make it very clear that 30 to 40 percent of voters are going to approve of what Trump does, no matter what. Many of them don’t mind if he comes on stage and starts talking like Uncle Fred Who Gets Drunk at Family Dinners. They enjoy Uncle Fred. Some of them are Uncle Fred.)
Any other president who went to a convention of veterans and called for Americans to “work together” would have gotten no notice whatsoever. But Trump was coming off his spontaneous appearance in Phoenix when he frightened the whole country with his rants about the media and his wild riffs of self-congratulations.
Now you know, I was a good student,” Trump ad-libbed at his Arizona rally. “I always hear about the elite. You know, the elite. They’re elite? I went to better schools than they did. I was a better student than they were. I live in a bigger, more beautiful apartment and I live in the White House, too, which is really great.”

Gail Collins

American politics and culture.


Chris Boehme

 11 minutes ago
When I listen to Trump my temperature spikes well over 100.


 11 minutes ago
Trump lives by one economic principle, supply and demand,but only as it relates to his constant cheap talk. His speeches have a Jekyll and...

J. Raven

 11 minutes ago
Trump reminds me of one of those dolls where you pull a string and it talks. For a while, one never knows what it will say, which of course...
Three points about this comment, only one of which is: “Wow, the
president of the United States is so insecure he finds
it necessary to brag about his grades in school.” The second is that we
know about as much about his actual grades i
school as we do about his tax returns.

Third, at the end Trump did seem to realize that if he was going to boast about his deeply overdecorated penthouse, he should mention that the White House is nice, too. Particularly since that unfortunate story about him calling it (The White House)“a real dump.”
It would be calming to the national psyche if the president refrained from ever again speaking to the American people about his true thoughts and feelings. It wouldn’t do anything to improve his performance in office, but at least we might feel less nervous, moment to moment.


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ight now, every day Americans have to wonder whether the president will be sane or spontaneous. He staged an impromptu press conference on Charlottesville and defended the neo-Nazis. His ramblings in Phoenix unnerved former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, who pointed out that this is the guy with the nuclear football, and called Trump’s performance “downright scary and disturbing.”

The unfair part, of course, is that when Trump just reads words he’s been given, people are so relieved he gets way too much credit. Look at the speech on Afghanistan. The plan Trump unveiled is clearly never going to improve anything. And he delivered it in a strange way, staring at teleprompters to the left and right but almost never looking directly at the TV audience. But still, it had complete sentences! He did not once mention his own personal wealth or make up facts about his election victory. The White House basked in glory.
Then came the rally in Phoenix, an excellent example of how the president wanders off the written plan and just sort of runs amok.
He blathered for 77 minutes, dissing the two local Republican senators, one of whom is suffering from brain cancer. He threatened to shut down the government if he didn’t get money for his wall. He revealed that “Washington is full of people who are only looking out for themselves” and then raced into another paean to you-know-who.
But I don’t come to Washington for me. You know, I’ve had a great life. I’ve had great success,” he confided to the viewing world. “I’ve enjoyed my life. Most people think I’m crazy to have done this. And I think they’re right. But I enjoy it because we’ve made so much — I don’t believe that any president — I don’t believe that any president has accomplished as much as this president in the first six or seven months. I really don’t believe it.”
We are not going to go into the list of presidents who accomplished more, since it requires naming everyone who’s held the office since Warren Harding.
This is a man who can’t refrain from congratulating himself even when he’s talking about the weather. “I was over at the Yuma sector,” he told the folks in Phoenix, describing his trip to meet members of the Border Patrol. “It was hot. It was like 115 degrees. I’m out signing autographs for an hour. I was there. That was a hot day. You learn if you’re in shape if you can do that, believe me.”
Now the auditorium was full of people from Arizona. They spend their lives in ridiculous heat. It did not seem like a group who you wanted to entertain with a story about how much you suffered signing autographs when it was “like 115 degrees.”
It was actually 107. But that’s the least of our problems.
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jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017

Le llueven críticas a Trump por Charlottesville

Queridos amigos; Por si no han estado al corriente del asunto más peligroso para la presidencia de Donald Trump, les envío este link.
Peligroso no nada más para él, (no habrá  quien detenga un Impeachment), sino porque ha despertado al dragón de la intolerancia étnica-religiosa y la perniciosa tesis de la supremacía  de la raza blanca, que ensangrentó violentamente al país con la Guerra de Secesión, hace 150 años!

Le llueven críticas a Trump por Charlottesville:
Políticos demócratas y republicanos como Bernie Sanders, Paul Ryan y Chuck Schumer reprocharon las palabras del presidente sobre lo ocurrido en Virginia

sábado, 5 de agosto de 2017



Es sorprendente que Jeff Sessions el Procurador o Fiscal General de los EUA (designado por Trump), este´siendo humillado y reconvenido con tanto venenoso rencor por el mismo POTUS a los inicios de su gestión. Cómo es que no renuncia, muestra desagrado o se defiende. Le ha dicho qué es débil, miedoso, cobarde, incompetente, que se arrepiente de haberlo designado, pero no se atreve a despedirlo? Esta paradógica actuación (con Trump todo parece paradógico absurdo o cuando menos raro), muy probablemente esconde motivaciones tanto de Trump como de Sessions (que es un verdadero zorro de la política). Tal parece que su agenda vá más allá de su labor como US Attorney General. Porque al parecer él es más “trumpista” a que el propio Donald. Pudiera ser que el vé más futuro en una Administración Republicana de mayor extrema derecha que el propio Trump por sus limitaciones intelectuales, impredecible temperamento y patológica personalidad no vá a poder llevar a cabo?
Les invito a leer el atinado artículo de David Leonhardt y de paso revisar el video del inteligente Fiscal Especial Robert Mueller en el link “lattest move in the russian probe”

 David Leonhardt
Op-Ed Columnist New York Times
Jeff Sessions has become a symbol of haplessness and humiliation, repeatedly undermined by his boss, the president. DBut the image is at least partly misleading.
These moves have come in a flurry over the past two weeks, the same period in which Trump has so publicly soured on Sessions for not blocking the Russia investigation. And the moves are a reminder of why Sessions is enduring the humiliation: He has a clear ideology, and he is willing to endure some nasty words from President Trump in order to enact it.
The irony, of course, is that Sessions’s ideology is also Trump’s. As Jeffrey Toobin writes in The New Yorker, “no member of the Cabinet has worked more assiduously to advance Trump’s agenda than Sessions.” A recent piece by Vox’s Dara Lind put it this way: “Sessions is the rare Trump appointee more committed to Trumpism than he is to Trump personally.”
The Times Editorial Board has written on the contempt for the rule of law that Trump’s attacks on Sessions show. It also notes that those attacks have begun to worry even the president’s staunchest conservative allies.
But, looking ahead, I’d encourage you to pay at least as much attention to what Sessions’s Justice Department is doing as you do to what the president is tweeting about Sessions.
On the news. Robert Mueller’s latest move in the Russia probe is significant but not surprising, explains Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor, in Politico. “The existence of a grand jury confirms what many of us presumed, which is that Mueller was conducting a wide-ranging criminal investigation. What we don’t know is what, if anything, they will uncover,” he writes.
The president negotiates poorly with foreign leaders in leaked transcripts of their conversations because narcissism blinds him to what they want, Michelle Goldberg writes in Slate. “Trump can’t make deals because he can’t see other people clearly, can’t understand their desires, incentives and constraints.”
But even leaks that expose Trump’s unfitness set a dangerous precedent, argues The Atlantic’s David Frum. “Trump’s violation of basic norms of government has driven people who would otherwise uphold those norms unto death to violate them in their turn,” he writes. “Contempt for Trump’s misconduct inspires counter-misconduct.”

David Leonhardt

Op-Ed Columnist