viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017


Lo que sigue es un fragmento de la información pertinente a la multicitada reunión de Donald Trump el pasado 10 de mayo con el Canciller Serguéi Lavrov de de la Federación Rusa y el Embajador en Washington Serguéi Kislyak. En dicha reunión no se permitió acceso a los medios estadounidenses y sólo fotógrafos y reporteros rusos atendieron(??). Esto forma parte de una extensa red de conversaciones entre el Presidente Vladimir Putin y Donald Trump, el motivo enunciado fué la guerra civil en Siria y la crisis humanitaria resultante. De dicha reunión existen sospechas de revelación de material clasificado de Trump a los funcionarios rusos, particularmente en relación con los servicios de inteligencia israelí:

-After Trump's meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.
" 'This is code-word information,' said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump 'revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.' "

Trump also reportedly boasted to the Russians about the intelligence he was receiving, telling the two men, "I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day":
"Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State's territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.
"The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities."
Greg Miller, one of The Post reporters who broke the story, told NPR's Ari Shapiro on All Things Considered that by sharing the information from another country, it could damage future intelligence gathering and U.S. relations with other partners.
"This is not intelligence that the United States gathered or owned. It wasn't up to the United States to share, and so doing so really jeopardizes that relationship. It potentially damages trust that's critical in these kinds of arrangements. And I think that's one of the really big worries here," Miller told NPR. "And in this case it's important, because this is apparently an ongoing stream of intelligence into Islamic State plotting. I mean, what could be more important?"
BuzzFeed also confirmed The Post's report, with one U.S. official saying that the disclosures from the president to the Russians were "far worse than what has already been reported."
The New York Times also noted that "Trump's disclosure does not appear to have been illegal — the president has the power to declassify almost anything. But sharing the information without the express permission of the ally who provided it represented a major breach of espionage etiquette and could jeopardize a crucial intelligence-sharing relationship."
Trump's meeting with the Russians came last Wednesday, the day after he fired FBI Director Jim Comey, who was overseeing an investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. elections and possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The visit was fraught with bad optics, and Kislyak's attendance — only confirmed by photos from Russian state media — was especially notable because he has been at the center of many of the Trump administration's controversies involving Russia. Only TASS, Russia's official news agency, was allowed in to photograph the meeting; no U.S. media was allowed.
Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after just over three weeks on the job after it was revealed he had discussed Russian sanctions with Kislyak and then subsequently misled Vice President Pence about those conversations. And Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself from any involvement in the FBI's investigations into Russia after it was revealed that he twice met with Kislyak despite testifying during his confirmation hearing that he had had no contact with Russian officials.
The latest reports of Trump revealing classified information to the Russians comes just ahead of his first foreign trip as president. He's set to depart on Friday, traveling to Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican,
POTUS departs for his first international trip: Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, and will attend a NATO meeting in Brussels, Belgium, and the G7 meeting in Italy.
National security adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters outside the White House that the "story that came out tonight, as reported, is false."
"At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed, and the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known," McMaster said. However, The Post story and other subsequent reports didn't say that it was sources, methods or military operations discussed, but simply classified information.
"I was in the room, and it didn't happen," McMaster said at the end of his abrupt statement. He departed without taking questions.
"During President Trump's meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov, a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement. "During that exchange the nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations."
Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., said that if The Post's report was true, it was "inexcusable."

Mark Warner 
If true, this is a slap in the face to the intel community. Risking sources & methods is inexcusable, particularly with the Russians. 

4:58 PM - 15 May 2017
Eliot Cohen, a former counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice under President George W. Bush, said on Twitter that if Trump had given the classified material to the Russians deliberately, "it would be treason."-

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