Les transcribo esta inteligente versión del comentarista Miguel Massanet, de un hecho insólito (por su aparente secrecía), de gran relevancia para las relaciones internacionales y particularmente para México. Es notable también por escenificar una reunión de entre los dos líderes más poderosos de los países del mundo, particularmente porque se transparenta la doble intención de Putin de tratar de esconder la interferencia rusa en los pasados comicios presidenciales de EUA y la vergonzante de Trump aceptando y aparentando (ridículamente) inocencia y aceptando públicamente la posición rusa de que "nosotros no fuímos", lo cual contradice una verdadera montaña de evidencias en sentido contrario. Poco antes en Polonia, Trump a pregunta expresa declaró; "creo que fueron los rusos... o tal vez otros, nadie lo sabe exactamente" . Y ahora nos pone una carita de inocencia aceptando sin parpadear las excusas de Putin. Una "puesta en escena" y una verdadera tragicomedia de gran dimensión.
Juzguen ustedes:
Reunión Putin Trump. Dos horas 16 minutos: Sí señores, el interés de este G20, al menos de lo transcurrido durante los días que han pasado; si obviamos lo incidentes callejeros que ya han provocado 200 arrestos por parte de la po ...
martes, 11 de julio de 2017
Reunión Putin Trump. Dos horas 16 minutos
viernes, 7 de julio de 2017
Estimados amigos.
El Presidente de los EUA, D.Trump está ahora en Europa en su primera reunión del G-20 (no sabemos si será la última). Sin embargo ha sido la gran noticia, todos estamos expectantes a ver con que travesura nos sorprende, la verdad para un novato no la hecho tan mal, sin embargo ha hecho evidente su falta de tacto y conocimiento diplomático, sus arrogantes desplantes y lenguaje corporal saltan a la vista, es obvio que no se siente tan a gusto como en sus delirantes rallies políticos.
Les comparto una opinión del connotado columnista y analista político Mr Charles M Blow del New York Times:
6: Charles M Blow Columnist NY Times
Every now and then we are going to have to do this: Step back from the daily onslaughts of insanity emanating from Donald Trump’s parasitic presidency and remind ourselves of the obscenity of it all, registering its magnitude in its full, devastating truth.
There is something insidious and corrosive about trying to evaluate the severity of every offense, trying to give each an individual grade on the scale of absurdity. Trump himself is the offense. Everything that springs from him, every person who supports him, every staffer who shields him, every legislator who defends him, is an offense. Every partisan who uses him — against all he or she has ever claimed to champion — to advance a political agenda and, in so doing, places party over country, is an offense.
-Last week, when Donald Trump attacked two MSNBC hosts, people were aghast. The condemnation came quickly and from all quarters.
-Politics, public opinion and social justice.
.But his words shouldn’t have shocked. His tweet was just another pebble on a mountain of vulgarities. This act of coarseness was in fact an act of continuity. Trump was being Trump: the grossest of the gross, a profanity against propriety.
We must remind ourselves that Trump’s very presence in the White House defiles it and the institution of the presidency. Rather than rising to the honor of the Office, Trump has lowered the office with his whiny, fragile, vindictive pettiness.
The presidency has been hijacked.
Trump’s Obama ObsessionJUN 29
Trump Is Girding for a FightJUN 19
Rhetoric and BulletsJUN 15
The Resistance: Impeachment AnxietyJUN 12
James Comey ComethJUN 7-
See More »
David Mauk
-1 day ago-: Bravo for your succinct summary, precise perception & directness. Hijacking government, our country, our traditions & unfortunately the...
Nancy Offer
-1 day ago-:Thank you, Mr. Blow for your continued willingness to remind us of what is at stake. Your words inspire me-.
Continue reading the main story; This latest episode is simply part of a body of work demonstrating the man’s utter contempt for decency. We all know what it will add up to: Nothing.
Republicans have bound themselves up with Trump. His fate is their fate. They have surrendered any moral authority to which they once laid claim — rightly or not. If Trump goes down, they all do, It’s all quite odd, this moral impotence, this cowering before the belligerent, would-be king. A madman and his legislative minions are holding America hostage,there are no new words to express it; there is no new and novel way to catalog it. It is what it is and has been from day one: The most extraordinary and profound electoral mistake America has made in our lifetimes and possibly ever. We must say without ceasing, and without growing weary by the redundancy, that what we are witnessing is not normal and cannot go unchallenged. We must reaffirm our commitment to resistance. We must always remember that although individual Americans made the choice to vote affirmatively for him or actively withhold their support from his opponent, those decisions were influenced, in ways we cannot calculate, by Russian interference in our election, designed to privilege Trump.
El Presidente de los EUA, D.Trump está ahora en Europa en su primera reunión del G-20 (no sabemos si será la última). Sin embargo ha sido la gran noticia, todos estamos expectantes a ver con que travesura nos sorprende, la verdad para un novato no la hecho tan mal, sin embargo ha hecho evidente su falta de tacto y conocimiento diplomático, sus arrogantes desplantes y lenguaje corporal saltan a la vista, es obvio que no se siente tan a gusto como en sus delirantes rallies políticos.
Les comparto una opinión del connotado columnista y analista político Mr Charles M Blow del New York Times:
6: Charles M Blow Columnist NY Times
Obama ObsessionJUN 29
Trump Is Girding for a FightJUN 19
Rhetoric and BulletsJUN 15
The Resistance: Impeachment AnxietyJUN 12
James Comey ComethJUN 7
Every now and then we are going to have to do this: Step back from the daily onslaughts of insanity emanating from Donald Trump’s parasitic presidency and remind ourselves of the obscenity of it all, registering its magnitude in its full, devastating truth.
There is something insidious and corrosive about trying to evaluate the severity of every offense, trying to give each an individual grade on the scale of absurdity. Trump himself is the offense. Everything that springs from him, every person who supports him, every staffer who shields him, every legislator who defends him, is an offense. Every partisan who uses him — against all he or she has ever claimed to champion — to advance a political agenda and, in so doing, places party over country, is an offense.
-Last week, when Donald Trump attacked two MSNBC hosts, people were aghast. The condemnation came quickly and from all quarters.
-Politics, public opinion and social justice.
.But his words shouldn’t have shocked. His tweet was just another pebble on a mountain of vulgarities. This act of coarseness was in fact an act of continuity. Trump was being Trump: the grossest of the gross, a profanity against propriety.
We must remind ourselves that Trump’s very presence in the White House defiles it and the institution of the presidency. Rather than rising to the honor of the Office, Trump has lowered the office with his whiny, fragile, vindictive pettiness.
The presidency has been hijacked.
Trump’s Obama ObsessionJUN 29
Trump Is Girding for a FightJUN 19
Rhetoric and BulletsJUN 15
The Resistance: Impeachment AnxietyJUN 12
James Comey ComethJUN 7-
See More »
David Mauk
-1 day ago-: Bravo for your succinct summary, precise perception & directness. Hijacking government, our country, our traditions & unfortunately the...
Nancy Offer
-1 day ago-:Thank you, Mr. Blow for your continued willingness to remind us of what is at stake. Your words inspire me-.
Continue reading the main story; This latest episode is simply part of a body of work demonstrating the man’s utter contempt for decency. We all know what it will add up to: Nothing.
Republicans have bound themselves up with Trump. His fate is their fate. They have surrendered any moral authority to which they once laid claim — rightly or not. If Trump goes down, they all do, It’s all quite odd, this moral impotence, this cowering before the belligerent, would-be king. A madman and his legislative minions are holding America hostage,there are no new words to express it; there is no new and novel way to catalog it. It is what it is and has been from day one: The most extraordinary and profound electoral mistake America has made in our lifetimes and possibly ever. We must say without ceasing, and without growing weary by the redundancy, that what we are witnessing is not normal and cannot go unchallenged. We must reaffirm our commitment to resistance. We must always remember that although individual Americans made the choice to vote affirmatively for him or actively withhold their support from his opponent, those decisions were influenced, in ways we cannot calculate, by Russian interference in our election, designed to privilege Trump.
must remember that we now have a president exerting power to which he
may only have access because a foreign power hostile to our interests
wanted him installed. We must remember that he has not only praised
that foreign power, he has proven mysteriously averse to condemning
it or even acknowledging its meddling.
- We must remember that there are multiple investigations ongoing about the degree of that interference in our election — including a criminal investigation — and that those investigations are not constrained to collusion and are far from fake news. These investigations are deadly serious, are about protecting the integrity of our elections and the sovereignty of our country and are about a genuine quest for truth and desire for justice.
- Every action by this administration is an effort to push forward the appearance of normality, to squelch scrutiny, to diminish the authority and credibility of the ongoing investigations.
- Last week, after a growing list of states publicly refused to hand over sensitive voter information to Trump’s ironic and quixotic election integrity commission, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders blasted the pushback as a “political stunt.”
- But in fact the commission itself is the political stunt. The committee is searching for an illegal voting problem that doesn’t exist. Trump simply lied when he said that he would have won the popular vote were it not for millions of illegal votes. And then he established this bogus commission — using taxpayer money — to search for a truth that doesn’t exist, to try to prove right a lie that he should never have told.
- This commission is classic Trump projection: There is a real problem with the integrity of our last election because the Russians helped power his win, but rather than deal with that very real attack on this country, he is instead tilting at windmills concerning in-person voter fraud.
- Last week, CNN reported:
- “The Trump administration has taken no public steps to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 election. Multiple senior administration officials said there are few signs the president is devoting his time or attention to the ongoing election-related cyber threat from Russia.”
- Donald Trump is depending on people’s fatigue. He is banking on your becoming overwhelmed by his never-ending antics. He is counting on his capacity to wear down the resistance by sheer force.
- We must be adamant that that will never come to pass. Trump is an abomination, and a cancer on the country, and none of us can rest until he is no longer holding the reins of power
- Hijacking our government, our country, our traditions & unfortunately the Citizens who doesn't actively resist this regime also are an offense. As the saying goes, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the...
sábado, 1 de julio de 2017
amigos, yo sigo en la necia de informarles lo que probablemente
ustedes ya conocen de sobra. Ad: que Trump está dando de
“trompicones” en la WH y haciéndole la vida imposible a nuestros
connacionales y al resto del mundo.
saben ustedes de el pleito que se trate con los “medios”
principalmente con la prestigiada Cadena CNN (dice que la vá a
demandar), otra también con el Show de “Morning Joe” de la
pareja (próxima a casarse) de Joe Scarborough y Mika Brzezinski, que
de fans de DJT Pasaron a ser sus críticos y hacer comicidades de sus
excentricidades. Como es su costumbre en varios groseros twits se
burló sangrientamente de Mika, dijo que eran débiles mentales y
“Psicho Joe”. Esto ha levantado ferozmente los ánimos en la
prensa y ha hecho dudar de la salud mental del Presidente de los EUA.
paso una serie de comentarios de Mr Leonhardt del NYT y un par de
videos que apoyan dicha conjetura.
-Por favor dar click en las anteriores entradas del blog de Junio 30. Gracias-
-Por favor dar click en las anteriores entradas del blog de Junio 30. Gracias-
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