viernes, 30 de junio de 2017
Yale Psychiatrist Says Donald Trump’s Mental Illnesses Can’t Be Ignored ...
Joe Scarborough Worries Trump's Mental Health Is Deteriorating
miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017
El gran “pero” de la alianza antiAMLO y antiPRI
Amigos; Es de vital importancia para el futuro de nuestro país, que el próximo año seamos capaces de elegir a los mejores hombres y partido políticos que con patriotismo y sentido común logren encauzar los esfuerzos de todos para resolver los crónicos males de nuestro país.
Leo Zuckerman expone sus ideas acerca de la posible alianza PAN-PRD. Las alternativas son: Más PRI corrupto, o AMLO socialista-transnochado. (En mi opinión ambas son infumables). Probablemente la mejor opción es una Alianza PAN-PRD con un candidato presidencial independiente, una especie de Macron-mexicano; joven, inteligente, con experiencia, preparación académica y honestidad probada... (estoy describiendo a Ricardo Anaya?).
Juzguen ustedes:
El gran “pero” de la alianza antiAMLO y antiPRI: Quiero ver que la dirigencia nacional del PAN convenza al gobernador de Tamaulipas de que baje a una de sus gentes de la lista de senadores para compartirla con un perredista. O que Núñez se anime a hacer lo mismo con un panista en Tabasco.
Leo Zuckerman expone sus ideas acerca de la posible alianza PAN-PRD. Las alternativas son: Más PRI corrupto, o AMLO socialista-transnochado. (En mi opinión ambas son infumables). Probablemente la mejor opción es una Alianza PAN-PRD con un candidato presidencial independiente, una especie de Macron-mexicano; joven, inteligente, con experiencia, preparación académica y honestidad probada... (estoy describiendo a Ricardo Anaya?).
Juzguen ustedes:
El gran “pero” de la alianza antiAMLO y antiPRI: Quiero ver que la dirigencia nacional del PAN convenza al gobernador de Tamaulipas de que baje a una de sus gentes de la lista de senadores para compartirla con un perredista. O que Núñez se anime a hacer lo mismo con un panista en Tabasco.
jueves, 22 de junio de 2017
Si hablas de diversidad sabes qué significan las letras LGBTTTIQA
Amigos; La Marcha (una más), ya les gustó marchar por "EL ORGULLO GAY", aunque yo realmente no sé de qué están tan "orgullosos". Si me preguntan a mí (nadie te preguntó nada viejo renegón), yo creo que ha de ser porque quieren ser aceptados por el resto de nosotros los NOGAYS. Sin embargo son (en las marchas), tan estrafalarios tan colorful y estrambóticos, que logran exactamente lo opuesto.
Por otro lado, me parece que al querer ser "igualitarios" lo que logran es evidenciar que las sociedades humanas han alcanzado un grado de degeneración de la especie, que no debiera sorprendernos. Pero yo no critico... No más digo...
A ver que opinan de ésto:
Si hablas de diversidad sabes qué significan las letras LGBTTTIQA: A las siglas de la diversidad se le han ido aumentando letras; si eres de los que te quedaste en: lesbiana-gay-bisexual-travesti-transexual... te invitamos a leer esto
martes, 20 de junio de 2017
AMIGOS; Por considerarlo asunto de interés especial, les compartiré algunos artículos del NY TIMES, para ampliar nuestras fuentes de información.
(Si gustan pueden utilizar el dispositivo de traducción)
(Si gustan pueden utilizar el dispositivo de traducción)
counsel Robert Mueller and his widening investigation seems to be
closing in on Donald Trump and his coterie of corruption, but Trump
and his emissaries aren’t sitting idly by. They’re girding for a
- Last week The Washington Post, citing unnamed officials, reported that Mueller was widening his investigation to include “an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.”
- This set Trump off. As the sun rose on Thursday morning, he posted the first of what would be a daylong barrage of statements on Twitter, attacking the “phony story”; later he lamented “crooked H” and “Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia.”
- But that wasn’t enough.
- He started up again Friday morning, this time posting: “I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt.”
viernes, 16 de junio de 2017
With this app made by 100 language experts, you'll be speaking a new language in 3 weeks
With this app made by 100 language experts, you'll be speaking a new language in 3 weeks: In an office in Berlin, over 100 language experts are focusing their attention on creating the best language learning app possible. One million people are already actively using it, so what makes it so good?
jueves, 15 de junio de 2017
no sé si la comparecencia de James Comey el ex Director del FBI
marca una diferencia neta en los cambios de la Política
Estadounidense, la verdad fué un tanto tediosa y prolongada (2hs+),
El Comité de Inteligencia del Senado fue persistente e inmisericorde
en su interrogatorio, las respuestas evasivas e imprecisas.
fué decepcionante y un poco tibio en su natural asertividad, se
salió por la tangente en varias preguntas y fué no directo en
otras, en otras más, se acogió a la 5a
Enmienda que le permite no inculparse a sí mismo y en otras muchas
no contestó diciendo que ésa materia no era posible exponerla al
público general, por razones de Seguridad Nacional.
embargo, lo que sí me parece muy relevante es:
lo que Nó dijo, es decir su ausencia de respuesta resulta
afirmativa, (el silencio habla).
La Intervención Rusa en las pasadas elecciones es innegable, pero nó
sólo éso, también inaceptable desde el punto de vista diplomático
(amerita cuando menos una Nota de Protesta, al extremo una Ruptura de
Relaciones Diplomáticas). Resulta difícil aceptar que una potencia
extranjera (sobretodo una que ha sido hostil por décadas), influya o
haya intentado influir en los asuntos internos de un país
independiente y que nada se haga al respecto. En mi humilde opinión
esto sería razón sobrada para anular el proceso electoral.
La aceptación de Mr Comey de que su intervención una semana antes
del proceso electoral, notificando al Congreso que existían nuevos
correos de la Sec Clinton que podrían contener material clasificado,
había sido falsa y que ésta notificación probablemente había
influído en el resultado de la elección, mostrando arrepentimiento
y pesar por tal acción, es inoportuna y tardía.
Las acciones del Presidente Trump, intentado evitar que las
investigaciones de la Agencia continuaran en su principal Asesor de
Seguridad el Gral Michael Flynn, eran del conocimiento público, el
decirle; “Let him go, He is a nice guy”, y
luego presionar al Director de la Agencia de Inteligencia más famosa
del orbe, insistiendo en tres ocasiones con la pregunta: “Tell
me, am I being investigated?”, obviamente esto puso en grave
aprieto a su subordinado, que tuvo que contestar que nó,
probablemente sin mentir puesto que en ése preciso momento no podría
contestar con precisión, sin poner en riesgo la investigación.
Al cesar fulminantemente al Director de la FBI que investigaba la
trama rusa, después de que en repetidas ocasiones le habló a J.
Comey pidiéndole; “Lealtad”
y al contestarle el susodicho; Todo lo que puedo prometer es
El hecho de que Comey haya afirmado (bajo juramento), que se sintió
amenazado con las conversaciones con el Pres. Trump y escribió
nueve memorandums, para que existiera un registro de tales
y pudieran servir como recordatorio (ya que él no estaba
grabándolas), en su declaración el mismo manifestó: “Oh
Lordy...I hope there are tapes of this”.
Trump había mencionado un un Twuit previo; “for
the sake of Comey I hope there are no records of this”.
Fiscal Gral (Attorney Gral), Jeff Sessions en su comparecencia del
martes 13 Junio, hizo hasta lo indecible para proteger a su Jefe
(POTUS), negando toda acusación directa o implícita, aduciendo y
defendiendo hasta lo ridículo el “Executive Privilege” de D.
Trump, la 5a
Enmienda, y negándose a contestar preguntas clave unas veces
eludiendo las preguntas o contestando sesgadamente, y acusando a el
Partido Demócrata de mentir, para desprestigiar al Presidente.
lo pronto, el Senado designó un nuevo Fiscal Independiente: Robert
Müller, para continuar con las investigaciones y trate de aclarar el
embrollo de la probable (?) Intervención Rusa en la Campaña
valor probatorio de éstas intervenciones concerniente a que si
fueron causales de acción criminal que pudiera ser materia de un
probable Juicio de Impeachment, son por supuesto materia que debe
considerar el Senado y después el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.
al día
Presidente Trump, proclamó jubiloso en sus twitts:
President Trump is totally and absolutelly vindicated”.
viernes, 9 de junio de 2017
2018: López versus antiLópez
Hola amigos;
La Campaña Presidencial yá empezó, a lo mejor me di cuenta tarde.
Pero no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano (díganle éso a AMLO y también a Margarita). Todo tiene su tiempo, su silencio y su accionar. Mi opinión es que el PAN es la mejor opción, entre más PRIcorrupción o Populismosocialistoide, me quedo con el centro "La virtud está enmedio dijo San Agustín, (y si no dijo él pues lo diré yó).
Mi "gallo" es Ricardo Anaya (richiricón), el "JovenMaravilla, que me parece el más sensato, inteligente y prudente(a pesar de su corta edad).
Les comparto la opinión de Leo Zuckerman de los mejores comunicadores:
2018: López versus antiLópez: Dependiendo de quién quede como candidat@ del PAN vendrá la posible alianza con el PRD. Con Anaya, es posible. Con Zavala, imposible.
jueves, 8 de junio de 2017
Seleccione opinión:
martes, 6 de junio de 2017
Amigos, cada vez es más evidente la intromisión rusa en la pasada campaña presidencial de EUA.
He aquí algunos datos aportados por el previo Director de la CIA:
hile Brennan would not specifically identify any individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had contacts with Russian officials and would not opine as to whether there was any collusion or collaboration, he did tell lawmakers why he was concerned about the contacts occurring against the general background of Russian efforts to meddle in the election. Brennan said he's studied Russian intelligence activities over the years, and how Russian intelligence services have been able to get people to betray their country. "Frequently, individuals on a treasonous path do not even realize they're on that path until it gets to be too late," he said.
rennan said Russia was motivated to back Donald Trump in the presidential election because of a "traditional animus" between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He told committee members there had not been a good relationship between Putin and the Clintons over the years. What's more, Brennan said Putin blamed Hillary Clinton's actions as secretary of state during the Obama administration for domestic disturbances inside Russia. He said Putin was concerned Clinton would be more "rigid" on issues such as human rights if elected president.
ut Brennan told the committee he believed that Russia anticipated that Clinton would be the likely winner of the presidential race, and that Russia tried to "damage and bloody" her before Election Day. Had she won, Brennan said, Russia would have continued to attempt to "denigrate her and hurt her" during her presidency. If Russia had collected more information about Clinton that they did not use against her during the campaign, Brennan said they were likely "husbanding it for another day."
n another question, Brennan criticized President Trump's reported sharing of classified intelligence with Russia officials. Brennan said if reports were accurate, Trump violated "protocols" by sharing the information with Russia's foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S.
John Brennan
He aquí algunos datos aportados por el previo Director de la CIA:
CIA Director John Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee
Tuesday that Russia "brazenly interfered in the 2016 election
process," despite U.S. efforts to warn it off. Brennan testified
in an open session of the committee, one of a handful of
congressional committees now investigating Russian meddling in the
2016 election.
said he told his Russian counterpart, the head of Russia's FSB, last
August that if Russia pursued its efforts to interfere, "it
would destroy any near-term prospect for improvement in relations"
between the two countries. He said Russia denied any attempts to
his opening statement, Brennan also recounted how he had briefed
congressional leaders in August of last year, including House Speaker
Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,
and the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate
Intelligence Committees about the "full details" of what he
knew of Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Brennan said he
became convinced last summer that Russia was trying to interfere in
the campaign, saying "they were very aggressive."
said he is "aware of information and intelligence that revealed
contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons
involved in the Trump campaign." Brennan said that concerned
him, "because of known Russian efforts to suborn such
individuals," and that it raised questions about whether or not
the Russians "were able to gain the cooperation of those
individuals." Brennan added he didn't know if "collusion
existed" between the Russians and those he identified as
involved in the Trump campaign.
Lies, Forgery And Skulduggery: The Long History Of 'Active Measures'
hile Brennan would not specifically identify any individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had contacts with Russian officials and would not opine as to whether there was any collusion or collaboration, he did tell lawmakers why he was concerned about the contacts occurring against the general background of Russian efforts to meddle in the election. Brennan said he's studied Russian intelligence activities over the years, and how Russian intelligence services have been able to get people to betray their country. "Frequently, individuals on a treasonous path do not even realize they're on that path until it gets to be too late," he said.
Will Foreign Mischief In U.S. Elections Become 'The New Normal'?
rennan said Russia was motivated to back Donald Trump in the presidential election because of a "traditional animus" between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He told committee members there had not been a good relationship between Putin and the Clintons over the years. What's more, Brennan said Putin blamed Hillary Clinton's actions as secretary of state during the Obama administration for domestic disturbances inside Russia. He said Putin was concerned Clinton would be more "rigid" on issues such as human rights if elected president.
With Trump In Office, Did The Kremlin Get More Than It Bargained For?
ut Brennan told the committee he believed that Russia anticipated that Clinton would be the likely winner of the presidential race, and that Russia tried to "damage and bloody" her before Election Day. Had she won, Brennan said, Russia would have continued to attempt to "denigrate her and hurt her" during her presidency. If Russia had collected more information about Clinton that they did not use against her during the campaign, Brennan said they were likely "husbanding it for another day."
Trump Says He Has 'Absolute Right' To Share Intelligence With Russia
n another question, Brennan criticized President Trump's reported sharing of classified intelligence with Russia officials. Brennan said if reports were accurate, Trump violated "protocols" by sharing the information with Russia's foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S.
also said he was "very concerned" by the release of what
he said appears to be classified information from the Trump
administration. He said there appear to be "very, very damaging
leaks, and I find them appalling and they need to be tracked down."
to Brennan's testimony, a White House spokesman said "This
morning's hearings back up what we've been saying all along: that
despite a year of investigation, there is still no evidence of any
Russia-Trump campaign collusion, that the President never
jeopardized intelligence sources or sharing, and that even Obama's
CIA Director believes the leaks of classified information are
'appalling' and the culprits must be 'tracked down.'"
questioning from Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., Brennan said the
Russians have been trying to disrupt Western elections since the
1960s, and that they've quickly adapted to the times. Brennan
pointed to the ease with which Russia was able to hack Democratic
operatives' emails, which were then published on WikiLeaks.
cyber-environment now really provides so much more opportunity for
troublemaking and the Russians take advantage of it," he said.
Brennan said the use of spear phishing, and "whatever else so
that they can then gain access to people's emails, computer systems
networks," is something that the Russians are adept at.
said Russia used WikiLeaks as a "cut-out," or go-between,
and that protests by WikiLeaks that it is not working with Russia
and Russia's claims it is not working with WikiLeaks are
John Brennan
Former director of Central Intelligence Agency
oncluded that Russia aimed to hurt Clinton, help Trump

oncluded that Russia aimed to hurt Clinton, help Trump
intelligence pro; under Obama, served as top U.S. counterterrorism
boss and then head of CIA.
Assessed, with sibling agencies NSA and FBI, that Russia’s campaign
of meddling and cybermischief in 2016 was aimed not only at
disruption but specifically to help
Donald Trump win the election and
to hurt Hillary Clinton — personally loathed by Russian President
Vladimir Putin. Reorganized CIA to emphasize cyber-operations ahead
of theft of some key hacking tools.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images
updated: May 26, 2017
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